Considering employing a newly qualified vet for your Small Animal practice this year but don’t know how to support them? Fear not, we have a great solution – enrol them onto the CVS New Graduate Course.

This course runs over two years and fulfils many of the Entrustable Professional Activities (EPA’s) that a new graduate has to experience on the Vet Graduate Development Programme (Vet GDP) set by the RCVS. The course starts with an extensive 5 day residential programme “Summer Camp” exploring clinical reasoning, common role play scenario’s, wet labs, CPR and very importantly peer and social support and then continues with the extensive programme outlined in the link here.

This is excellent value and we have secured an amazing price of just £7,500 each year for the two years, by piggy backing on the programme that has already been developed and supported by CVS. To register an interest please email as soon as possible as places are limited.

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